Showering as a meme and the non-scientific link between deodorant and knitting

When’s the last time you took a shower?

If you’ve heard this phrase before, you are not alone. You and many other people who choose not to bathe have heard the same thing. So, here is an informative little guide to help you understand the benefits showering and bathing to the default mode network of your brain to and bathing to solve problems and invent tap into your creativity. So, here we go. The official, non-official showering as a meme and the non-scientific link between deodorant and knitting guide.

A brief Public Service Announcement: Showers are a safe and warm way to clean your body and tap into your creativity. I saw the pun too. It was dumb, let’s move on.

The science of bathing! Microbes, bacteria and how often you should shower to feed or discourage them.

What happens when you don’t shower for 30-days?

Showers are me time

Cartoon of a ghost pretending to be a towel that watches people shower because it drapes itself like a towel.

When to shower and for how long?

shower = 27 minutes
25 minutes reflecting on the origin of life and the universe
2 minutes of washing and rinsing the body

What if, no?

Frog saying:
No Plans? no Shower.

But I don’t like showering and I don’t want to!

Wearing deodorant can help you extend the time between showers. Deodorant is not failproof, however. You must apply deodorant daily for it to be effective. Odor reduction is the primary quality we’re looking for in a deodorant. So if you don’t like to shower and want to do less of it, use deodorant!

When do I need an antiperspirant?

Sweating is how the body cools itself, and it is very natural. There is no need to purchase a deodorant that prohibits sweating unless you are meeting the prime minister or going for an important job interview. In that case, you can buy a travel-sized deodorant that reduces sweat and smell for only those occasions, and that little bottle should last you the rest of your life. Otherwise, let your body do its thing. If you truly cannot deal with the amount of sweat your body produces, Botox can calm your sweaty bits.

I can’t possible grasp the concept of deodorant even with my giant brain.

It’s simple. Deodorant should be applied under the armpits first thing in the morning and potentially again later in the day, depending on the day’s activities. Deodorant that just sits in a bathroom drawer is pretty much just a knickknack. At this point you will need to decide if you want to knit little outfits for your deodorant tchotchkes or if you want to just go ahead and use them. I will let you decide how to organize your future.

me before showering: i don't want to shower
me once in the shower: i live here now

I strongly recommend you,

Stay fresh out there people.

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